Burning bridges


This is a fictional scene from the Battle of Hydaspes river, today’s Jhelum that flows in Pakistan and India. It was the last battle of Alexander the Great against King Porus of the Paurava kingdom around 326 BC. The troops were extremely exhausted by the long campaign and the fierce resistance they encountered…

Hearts pierced on wooden spikes
Trails colored black with the blood of love
Trees cast their bleak and heavy shadow
So the sun does not watch the rotten corpses
Birds of forsaken hope mournfully sing
As if to contemplate all our sorrow
Who says there is glory in this endless battle?
We lost our fathers, our brothers, our sons
Our wounds fresh witness the atrocity of the flesh
Slaughtered and slayed by the madness of fallen kings
Tragically trapped in the ambiance of attrition
We sacrificed our souls to serve you in this conquest

And he was standing there

We are born plain men we die warriors
Fighting the fiercest of enemies
Nothing to win but the enemy within
We reached the edge of world
While others reached the edge of their bed
Back home filth corruption keenly awaits
Worse than any of our body scars
Sacrifice means only lost cause
What is the cause this conquest?
To serve, to honor, to realize
The brave are never lost in battle
Their name is our bridge to history

Join me and burn every bridge behind


About Απολύτως Διαλλακτικός

Logical stories of everyday madness
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2 Responses to Burning bridges

  1. Hadel says:

    Wonderful imagery and symbolic.

